Is your shirt smarter than you?

July 07, 2015

CNET - July 7th, 2015

The tight black tank top beamed a signal to my smartphone, chronicling every data point about my breathing, heart rate and movement.

All while I slept.

By the time the sun came up, my phone had produced colorful charts showing every time my heartbeat quickened (interrupted sleep from 5:44 to 5:45 a.m.), the calories I burned tossing and turning (220) and the precise moment my breathing was most relaxed (4:28 a.m.).

These days, biometric sensors can be added to the fabric of just about everything we wear -- from shirts to shorts, hats to shoes, and everything in between. The smart shirt I slept in doesn't come cheap: The Hexoskin shirt and 2-inch-long power and recording module cost $400. For a lot of us, that makes the Hexoskin and products like it interesting novelties. But for other people, including professional athletes, the information may be worth the price.

"You buy this shirt because it gives you data about yourself that you can't get anywhere else," says Pierre-Alexandre Fournier, CEO and co-founder of Montreal-based Hexoskin.

Welcome to the world of sensor-enhanced clothing, which promises to put a whole new spin on dressing smart.

Complete article: CNET